Subject: Genital Mutilation Decision Author: CourtTV Uploaded By: CourtTV Date: 6/17/1996 File: MUTILATE.TXT (63504 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 49 Nineteen-year-old Fauziya Kasinga said she came to the United States in 1994 to seek asylum from a grisly and sometimes deadly practice in her West African homeland of Togo -- the ritual mutilation of female genitals. The U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals held a hearing May 2, 1996 to consider whether Kasinga should be granted political asylum. On June 13, the board granted asylum to Kasinga. It was the first recognition of genital mutilation as a form of persecution and the basis for asylum. Here is the board's ruling.